Tile & Grout Cleaning
Did you know you could save a lot of money by hiring Martha’s Cleaning?
It can cost you a fortune to replace your floor tiles, but maintenance and prevention are key.
Let us help you keep your floors clean and rejuvenated.
Our Cleaning Process
We begin our cleaning by preparing your tile and grout with thorough vacuuming. We then apply our cleaning solution and allow time to deepen into your floor’s pores for effective cleaning. Once the cleaning solution has done its job in loosing up the dirt and grime, we scrub your grout to agitate and shake it all out. With our high-pressure rotary wand, we wash your tile and grout to extract all the already loosen dirt and grim. This last step is very effective and you won’t believe how clean and new your floor will look. We recommend our clear seal and color seal application to protect your grout and keep it looking clean for a longer time.